An n-dimensional topological quantum eld theory is a symmetric monoidal functor Z : nCob !Vect k; for some xed n 2N and eld k. Theorem Topological quantum eld theories 1Cob !Vect k are …
These notes offer a lightening introduction to topological quantum field theory in its functorial axiomatisation, assuming no or little prior exposure. We lay some emphasis on the connection …
A topological quantum field theory (Q.FT), in dimension d defined over a ground ring A, consists of the following data: (A) A finitely generated A-module Z(Z) associated to each oriented …
The idea of this book is to give a general introduction to topological quantum ideas. This includes topological quantum field theories, topo-logical quantum memories, topological quantum …
In these lectures we present a general introduction to topological quantum eld theories. These theories are discussed in the framework of the Mathai-Quillen for- malism and in the context of …
What follows are lecture notes about Topological Quantum Field Theory. While the lectures were aimed at physicists, the content is highly mathematical in its style and motivation. The subject …
Topological Quantum Field Theory Edward Witten* School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA Abstract. A twisted version of four …
year lecture notes are designed for a 1–semester course in topological quantum field theory (TQFT). Assumed background in mathematics and physics are only standard secon.
A d-dimensional topological quantum field theory (TQFT) consists of data of, for every closed, oriented, smooth d-manifold, a finitely generated k-vector space Z(Σ), and for every compact, …
Jan 10, 1998 · In these lectures we present a general introduction to topological quantum field theories. These theories are discussed in the framework of the Mathai-Quillen formalism and …