Logo 15-word challenge - Math Cats
"Write a Logo one-liner using 15 or fewer words, not counting square brackets and parentheses, to produce the most beautiful, complex, and interesting picture." The one-line codes work as written in MSWLogo and UCBLogo.
Logo Commands - Programming with MSW Logo
The following are the basic commands to programme the turtle: Basic Commands. Forward e.g. forward 200 [makes a line 200] Back e.g. back 100 [goes back 100] Right e.g. right 90 [turtle turns right through a 90 degree angle] Left e.g. left 45 [turtle turns left through a 45 degree angle] PenUp ; PenDown; HideTurtle; ShowTurtle; Penerase ...
Examples - GitHub Pages
Examples are taken from the Logo 15-word challenge. Some of them have been adapted because the interpreter doesnt support all the primitives yet.
Label[Logo Commands] Label “Logo Commands” PRINT or PR Write text or number in the Recall Text Box PR 100 PR[Logo Commands] PR “Logo Commands” SETPENSIZE Sets the size of the turtle’s pen SETPENSIZE[5 5] SETPETCOLOR OR SETPC Sets the color of the turtle’s pen SETPC[255 0 0] PU or PENUP Turtle moves without drawing lines. PU
LOGO Basics - Coding for Kids - Fun Way to Learn Programming
On this page, we will explore the basic LOGO commands that enable us to draw various shapes. LOGO supports turtle move commands, loop commands (REPEAT and REPCOUNT), and pen control and color control commands.
Logo Learning Center
The commands will help you work on the 101+ Ideas for Logo projects as well as the Turtle Tuesday Logo challenges. You can think of the Logo Learning Center as a guided tour of the most commonly used commands, with examples and tips for using them.
Logo Resources
This is the manual for the complete Logo language, with over 600 commands. It helps you get started, and provides detailed information about all the commands, many written for advanced programmers. Read the Logo manual.
Commands Overview - terrapinlogo.com
This page contains an extensive listing of all Logo commands, properties, global names, and math operators. Click “Start” to return to the beginning of a section, or “Top” to return to the top of this page.
To get started with MSW Logo, you just need to know a few commands: Forward __ (Number refers to line length; can be abbreviated to FD __ ) Back __ (Number refers to line length; can be abbreviated to BK __)
MSW Logo Commands Ict | PDF | Division (Mathematics)
This document provides descriptions and examples of various commands used in MSW Logo, including commands for moving and turning the turtle, drawing shapes using repetition of commands, setting properties like pen size and color, and …
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