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ADMISSIONS - Chipola College
Chipola has an Open Door Admissions Policy which provides educational opportunities to all students 18 years of age or older or high school or GED graduates who are interested in participating in the degree programs, courses, and services offered by the college.
Programs of Study - Chipola College
Chipola College defines educational (also referred to as academic program) as a combination of courses and related activities organized for the attainment of specific knowledge and competencies and that has been assigned a unique Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code.
About Chipola - Chipola College
Chipola College is a public, open-admissions institution in Marianna, Florida, serving Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, and Washington counties in the Florida Panhandle.
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The College advising staff will assist by providing up-to-date information about appropriate courses which should satisfy requirements for the student’s major at Chipola and at the chosen transfer institution.
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ABOUT - Chipola College
Chipola College was founded in 1947 and operated for one year as a private educational institution. Florida's Minimum Foundation Law, passed in 1947, included provisions for public support of colleges.
Home - Chipola College
What's happening at Chipola. Academic Calendar; Chipola This Week; Prough Center for the Arts Box Office
A-Z - Chipola College
What's happening at Chipola. Academic Calendar; Chipola This Week; Prough Center for the Arts Box Office
International Students - Chipola College
It is Chipola College’s policy that the Form I-20 is only issued to those International students who are attending as part of an athletic scholarship program. All necessary documentation must be submitted to the office of the Director of Enrollment Services.