Andrew Wiggin - Ender's Game Wiki
He is the main protagonist of the Ender Quintet, and was first introduced in Ender's Game. Andrew Wiggin was born in 11 BX to Theresa and John Paul Wiggin. He was their third child, his older siblings being Peter and Valentine.
Andrew “Ender” Wiggin Character Analysis in Ender’s Game - LitCharts
The protagonist of Ender’s Game, Ender Wiggin is a brilliant, compassionate child who’s summoned to study war at Battle School and defeat the alien Buggers. Ender has always felt like an outsider because he’s a Third—a third child—in a society that almost never tolerates families with more than two children.
Ender's Game Character Analysis - SuperSummary
Ender Wiggin is the novel’s protagonist and, according to the I.F., humanity’s last chance for survival. He is a sharp, solemn, well-intentioned child when Graff recruits him for Battle School, where the adults isolate and harden him into a commander—or, as Ender sees it, a destroyer.
Ender Wiggin - Wikipedia
Andrew "Ender" Wiggin is a fictional character from Orson Scott Card's 1985 science fiction novel Ender's Game and its sequels (Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, Ender in Exile), as well as in the first part of the spin-off series, Ender's Shadow.
Ender Wiggin in Ender's Game Character Analysis | Shmoop
Character Analysis. Ender (a.k.a. Andrew Wiggin, or maybe we should say Admiral Andrew Wiggin) is either Jesus Christ or Hitler. Or maybe he’s just a little kid in a situation where there are no good options.
Ender Wiggin's Character Analysis - 1711 Words - StudyMode
Character Analysis: Ender’s Game-Andrew “Ender” Wiggins In the book Ender's Game written by Orson Scott Card, Andrew Wiggin is the main character or protagonist. Although his real name is Andrew Wiggin, he goes by the nickname “Ender”.
Ender Wiggin | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Andrew "Ender" Wiggin is the main protagonist of the Endervarse, first appearing in the novel Ender's Game and the 2013 film based off of it. He is a child prodigy chosen to be trained as a leader in a war against a hostile species threatening to eradicate the human race.
Ender’s Game Character Analysis - LitCharts
The protagonist of Ender’s Game, Ender Wiggin is a brilliant, compassionate child who’s summoned to study war at Battle School and defeat the alien Buggers. Ender has always felt like an outsider because he’s… read analysis of Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. Ender’s older brother.
Ender's Game Characters - eNotes.com
Andrew "Ender" Wiggin is the brilliantly intelligent protagonist of Ender’s Game. A rare “third” child, Ender grows up socially isolated, with no close friends or relationships aside from his...
Andrew Wiggins, the Speaker for the Dead (Ender Wiggins, the ... - Shmoop
Ender, all dusty old dust, is transubstantiated into a member of the community. He's no longer the exiled Xenocide, hated for killing the buggers, nor is he the Speaker for the Dead with an alien voice from behind the grave. He's Novinha's husband now and the father of her children; like Human, he's taken root to live. Tired of ads?