But in line with new Vatican criteria in place this year, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith ruled that the positive ...
Beth Racine had just come out of church after confession in Medjugorje and was leaning against a wall when something caught ...
After 40 years of studies, commissions and contradictions, the Vatican finally approved the spiritual devotion of the ...
Pope Francis called on the world's Catholic cardinals, many of whom live in Rome and lead Vatican offices, to pursue a "zero ...
COMMENTARY: ‘The Nihil obstat indicates that the faithful can receive a positive encouragement for their Christian life ...
The Holy See has authorized the faithful to “prudently adhere” to the presumed messages of the Virgin at Medjugorje. From now ...
In June 1981, six children aged 10 to 16 claimed that the Virgin Mary appeared to them on a hilltop near the town.
The Vatican is struggling financially, having been facing a critical situation for some time that has led to cost containment ...
In recent weeks individuals close to a scandal-plagued Peruvian lay group have lodged charges of harassment against some of ...
A mosaic depicting the Virgin Mary dressed in the traditional Korean outfit of 'hanbok' was unveiled in the Vatican Gardens ...
Pope Francis has called on the world's Catholic cardinals to adopt a 'zero deficit' agenda to improve the Vatican's economic ...