Plastic particles have already been detected in various organs, but proving their damage to the body remains challenging ...
Brazilian Society of Ophthalmology and Inmetro warn that the impact of spheres used as ammunition can cause irreversible ...
Federal Police target a criminal organization suspected of moving R$ 4.3 billion and using Venezuelan immigrants to transport ...
The first meal of the year is breakfast (or brunch for those who want to sleep in) on January 1st. To welcome the new year ...
Since 2016, when she became a UNHCR ambassador, the Australian actress has been deeply committed to the refugee cause, ...
Rafa Costa e Silva is reserved, has no press advisor, and says broadening his focus was crucial for the award-winning Lasai: ...
Located by the Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, the Clube de Remo do Flamengo will host Réveillon SouRio with the pagode group ...
The 18-year-old tennis player stood out in his first year as a professional and has qualities that indicate his potential to ...
Report by the consultancy Bites, commissioned by O GLOBO, identified 21,000 tweets with content produced by the Grok tool ...
O Botafogo recusou a contraproposta do Santos pelo zagueiro Jair. A ideia do time paulista era ter em contrapartida um trio ...
Com um orçamento relativamente modesto, o país avança cada vez mais em direção aos padrões das grandes potências espaciais ...
O presidente Lula vai assinar na tarde desta segunda-feira um decreto sancionando o novo valor do salário mínimo, de R$ 1.518 ...