The fictional Moira Rose, played by Catherine O'Hara for years on the popular sitcom "Schitt's Creek," was a spoiled, eccentric, and overly dramatic character. Her namesake, the talented 3-year ...
I love to collect: Anything that can be recycled. Packaging material, boxes, envelopes, and paper are all reused at my gallery. I therefore dislike it when an organisation uses cheap materials that ...
The Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek follows the Rose family consisting of Johnny (Eugene Levy), Moira (Catherine O’Hara) and their two adult children, David (Dan Levy) and Alexis (Annie Murphy).
The 70-year-old actress starred as Moira Rose in the hit Netflix series throughout the whole of its run and kept quite a lot of her outfits that she had worn on set, so made sure to take what she ...
The 'Schitt's Creek' actress will join the HBO post-apocalyptic drama for season 2 Catherine O’Hara will be trading in her ...