Delhi Police Crime Branch has apprehended Chanderkant Jha, a "serial killer" who had terrorised the national capital between 2006 and 2007 and evaded arrest for more than a year, an official said on ...
AAP accused BJP supporters of attacking Arvind Kejriwal during a campaign, while BJP claimed Kejriwal's vehicle hit ...
Goyal underwent the first round of questioning on Monday, and was expected to join the investigation again on Saturday.
Police said he was granted parole on the grounds that he had to find a suitable match for his daughter but he fled ...
The victim, Sania Shahid, was a maths and science tuition teacher to primary school students. The accused, Shakir Saleem, ...
He was on the run after jumping parole in October 2023, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch) Sanjay Sain said.