In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque reinvented a genre.
Erich Maria Remarque’s "All Quiet on the Western Front" is more than just a war novel it’s a warning, a brutal testament to the horrors of war, and a critique of blind nationalism and the loss of an ...
Tom Fox and Richard Lummis are back with a new season of Popcorn and Compliance. Get ready for a ton of fun, insights and all things Hollywood and ...
The script always had a soul, a second layer — it's not just about a plot or a story; there's something deep behind it. It just calls you,' says the film's director.
from Apocalypse Now to All Quiet on the Western Front. However, if this miniseries is not radical in that respect, it is, on the evidence of the first two episodes that have premiered at the ...
Today’s cinematic age of huge budgets and mind-blowing special effects help make the newest adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s seminal war novel All Quiet on the Western Front a worthy ...
Some war movies glorify the battlefield and tales of wartime heroism. All Quiet on the Western Front is not one of those movies. It’s more like a horror story, and the monster is humanity itself.
Netflix’s film adaptation of Erich Remarque’s groundbreaking 1929 novel All Quiet on the Western Front was released last week to an audience eager for a modern cinematic retelling of the ...