A hilltop Buddhist temple in Bhutan, built in the 15th century, attracts visitors from across the globe, many of them struggling to conceive. They often make return visits, with children, believing ...
In the Dalai Lama’s new memoir, Voice for the Voiceless, the spiritual leader directly addresses Tibet’s struggle for ...
A Vietnamese traveler embarked on a journey to Mount Kailash to complete the Kora, a ritual of circling its base, overcoming ...
India’s hidden gem, the mesmerizing reclining Buddha statute in Bodh Gaya is a must-visit. Here’s why travellers are flocking to this sacred site.
For China, Sinicizing Tibet’s next generation through boarding schools is the ultimate strategy for solidifying its control over the region.
It tells of King Gesar’s incarnation, his difficult childhood, winning a horse race to ascend to the throne, and his ...
Jump ahead 45 years, and Mola continues to be as spritely as she is devout, adhering to daily prayer rituals and going up and ...
Today, the statue in the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Center has become a hub for interfaith efforts and a ...
A new book written by the Dalai Lama reveals that his next incarnation will be born in the "free world," outside the ...
Tibetan New Year, or “Losar,” as it is known in its native language, was celebrated Friday, Feb. 28, at the Rigdzin Ling in ...
The Buddhist leader, 89, has lived in exile in India since the Chinese army’s deadly crackdown on Tibetans in 1959.