Cyberpunk fiction combines the old and the new. Drawing from the conflicted worlds of film noir, cyberpunk films continue to ...
Our favorite detail is the prismarine roof, which contrasts nicely against all the dark oak. As long as you have the materials to hand, you can have a peaceful Japanese house up and running in ...
Diving headfirst into the horror library of Tubi is a dizzying, potentially nauseating experience, not just for the gory horror films you’ll find there, but for the sheer haphazardness of the ...
According to Fortune, Saavedra and her husband rent a four-bedroom home in Los Angeles, share a 16-year-old secondhand car, and often buy frozen food during grocery trips. Her children wear hand ...
As the area was renovated, the government of Sharjah recognised the importance of preserving this gathering space, leading to the restoration of one of the old houses in the area. The house ...
The first episode, 'Inside', will air on Wednesday, January 1 at 8pm on ITV1, followed by the second (and final) episode, 'The Dark Wives ... Ser Steffon Darklyn on House of the Dragon.
New research suggests dark energy might not be real ... surprises revealed by DESI are difficult to resolve in models which use a simplified 100-year-old cosmic expansion law – Friedmann’s equation.
EDE models suggest that dark energy didn't just come from nowhere to start ruling the cosmos when it was between 9 and 10 billion years old; dark energy had been there all along, playing a non ...