Along with this, smoke alarms can be another good way to spring forward. "As you change your clock, change your batteries,” Wheeling Assistant Fire Chief Deric Jamison said. Statistics show you ...
GREEN BAY (WLUK) -- The Green Bay Metro Fire Department is making sure homes in the community have working smoke alarms. GBMFD received a federal grant worth just shy of $30,000 that will enable ...
A three-alarm fire engulfed a Rockport home just before noon on Thursday, injuring the man who owns the home, ,officials said. At 11:48 a.m., crews responded to 15 Granite St., where thick smoke ...
"Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a home fire in half as you only have about two minutes to safely get out," said Lee Eastburn, Executive Director, American Red Cross of Southern Missouri ...
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — A two-alarm fire at the Broadway Nightclub on East Virginia Beach Boulevard in the early morning hours last Wednesday is now being investigated as “an arson incident ...
Another cinemagoer said as fire alarms started ringing in the hall, everybody rushed to the exit doors. The cinema hall was evacuated, he said. A fire was reported in a cinema hall in Select ...
Rep. Kelly Moller, DFL-Shoreview, said the state has stepped in and tried to backfill cuts in federal funds in the past, but it will be difficult for the state to cover the full federal gap this ...
The two-alarm fire was discovered shortly before 8:15 a.m. by the owners who live on the same property at 701 Baldy Road in Maxatawny Township, said Nathan Keller, chief of the Lyons Fire Company ...
Aurora Fire Rescue was called to the scene at 19754 E. 34th Dr. around 4 p.m. when a fire broke out at a commercial structure. When firefighters arrived, they found 2 semis and the side of a ...
The FDNY battled a stubborn three-alarm fire in College Point that started in a two-story home near the waterfront of Flushing Bay and threatened a commercial building next door on Sunday evening.
ST. LOUIS – The St. Louis Fire Department battled a fire in the 3100 block of Franklin Avenue Sunday morning. The structure was an occupied six story Senior Assisted Living Facility ...