In a recent column, educator Sierra Bush Rester claims that school choice, whether in the form of private vouchers or public ...
School choice often empowers parents, promotes educational equality, and allows students to attend the best possible schools.
Tara Tahmosh, Principal at Sarasota School of Arts + Sciences, is surrounded by students during a passing period. SSA+S is a ...
The executive director of the Missouri Charter Public School Association points to meaningful progress for kids in our state.
Students shouldn't be stuck in bad schools based on their zip code. The proposed educational savings account program in the ...
Charter school operators have applied to operate 13 schools in five Tennessee school systems beginning in the fall of 2026 ...
In a recent column, educator Sierra Bush Rester claims that school choice, whether in the form of private vouchers or public charter schools, is “rooted in segregationist policy.” Her own ...