he was a nipper at Maroochydore SLSC from aged five, and later went on to win national medals for the club; + as a junior his 800m and 1500m achievements shadowed champions Grant Hackett and Mack ...
Mia Jamal from Avoca Beach SLSC is a standout leader and passionate role model for younger lifesavers. Helping under-6 Nippers is a highlight of her surf lifesaving experience, inspiring her to mentor ...
23 February as more than 120 Nippers gathered for a day of sun, surf and social connection. It was the second time of the 2024/5 season that Nippers from Camden Haven Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC) and ...
“We will provide further updates as more information becomes available.” Floreat SLSC declined to comment. The $2.54 million revamp is intended to make the club more accessible and ...
Stainless Steel Trimmers: Green Max cuticle nippers are made of high quality stainless steel, crafted by professional artisans to give an edge over other products with emphasis on quality ...
Nippers competing at the beach had to relocate due to the risk of stings, however, in true Aussie fashion, some swimmers still chose to hit the waves. "Randwick Council Lifeguards do not close ...
THE future of the beach is bright, as this year’s Nippers presentations showed. Held on Sunday 10 March at the Bennetts Beach ...
St George and Sutherland Shire Leader reporter covering politics, urban affairs, council, development and general community news. Email: [email protected] St George and Sutherland Shire ...