The joyful celebration came on the eve of Bishop Sullivan’s 80 th birthday, 54 years after his ordination as a priest for the ...
Come, Follow Me” for March 17-23 covers Doctrine and Covenants 23-26, which includes revelation given to Emma Smith, the ...
Like Aaron and his sons, Jesus is appointed by God to office of priest. His once-for-all sacrifice finally and forever ...
When many hear the word "seminary," they may envision somber people in continuous study and prayer walking around meekly and ...
The Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci, D.D., Bishop of Manchester, the Roman Catholic Church in New Hampshire, ordained Rev.
The first step for someone who feels called to the priesthood is to contact the vocations director of the diocese or religious order, either by letter, email, telephone call or in person, to schedule ...
LIKABALI, 26 Feb: The indigenous affairs department, in collaboration with the Lower Siang district administration, organized a workshop on the “Preservation of Indigenous Priesthood Culture” at the ...
In his homily at the Mass of Priesthood Ordination, Cardinal Gregory said priests must continue to develop and deepen that vocation, centering their lives on prayer and the sacraments. The priesthood, ...
But Peter Wolfkamp’s career could have gone in quite a different direction if he had followed the path he started down in early adulthood by joining the Catholic priesthood, an idea he once “t ...
The Tier 4 dioceses with a small Catholic population had the largest ratio of priests to parishioners — and also the highest rate of men entering the priesthood. In contrast, the dioceses with the ...
MPIGI - The Very Rev Fr Dr David Ssenkaayi, rector of St Thomas Aquinas National Major Seminary Katigondo, celebrated his 25th priestly anniversary during a colourful function at his parental home ...