This much is certain, that, by degrees, the custom of fasting so far fell into disuse, that when, in 1362, Pope Urban V endeavored to prevent the total decay of the Advent penance, all he insisted ...
It is claimed that no Pope condemned slavery until then. According to one modern theologian: " can search in vain through the interventions of the Holy See - those of Pius V, Urban VIII and ...
He did a crowd-work special that included sections called “Mexican,” “Colombian,” and “Black Women.” His newest special, ...
Pope Francis plans to make his first appearance in five weeks on Sunday, offering a blessing from the window of his room at ...
ROME -- The Vatican on Sunday released the first photograph of pope in more than a month, showing Pope Francis wearing a purple Lenten liturgical vestments sitting in a wheelchair in front of an ...
ROME (AP) — The Vatican on Sunday released the first photograph of Pope Francis in more than a month, showing the pontiff in a three-quarter view from behind wearing a purple stole typical of ...
ROME (AP) - The Vatican on Sunday (March 16) released the first photograph of Pope Francis in more than a month, showing the 88-year-old pontiff wearing purple Lenten liturgical vestments while ...
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican on Sunday (March 16) released the first image of Pope Francis in hospital since he began treatment for double pneumonia, in which the 88-year-old pontiff appeared to ...
By Elisabetta Povoledo and Jason Horowitz Reporting from Rome and Vatican City The Roman Catholic world has been gripped by uncertainty as Pope Francis, 88, remains in a Rome hospital because of a ...
Even the new Holocaust Museum in New York unjustly criticized Pope Pius XII for being silent during World War II. The Church has recently spoken on this topic. The Israeli consul, Pinchas E.