Pepsico will expand its snacks business in India, as consumption is very low vis-a-vis other countries and with growing urbanisation and more money coming in the pockets ...
Following a mainly plant-based diet can help lower cholesterol levels. Here is a list of cholesterol-lowering foods.
Canadian vegan fast-food chain Odd Burger will apply a localised supply strategy for its US expansion to mitigate the impact ...
Both oats and Dalia are great for those trying to manage their blood sugar levels, as they have a low glycemic index, causing ...
For the most important meal of the day, breakfast can be surprisingly difficult to do right. No, you don’t have to craft an ...
It's no secret that Costco is a bulk buyer's paradise, but some of its most underrated deals are on storage products.
If you follow a vegan, plant-based, or vegetarian diet — or simply want to mix up your protein sometimes — there are plenty ...
Hagiographies (writing on the lives of saints) give us a glimpse of the food culture of early medieval Ireland, when Patrick lived.
A plant-based diet can make it tricky to hit your protein goal. Here's the low-down on protein-rich foods for vegans.
This research reinforces the idea that small dietary changes can have long-term benefits. Choosing whole grains over refined ...
C hickpeas and lentils, either whole or in flour form, offer more nutritional value to the human diet than products made from ...