Here’s the latest from Music City’s culinary boom. New Orleans restaurant opens Turkey and the Wolf Icehouse is open at 800 Meridian St. in East Nashville. The cinderblock “beer and sandwich ...
Now, after four decades of fighting and 40,000 lives lost, there is cautious hope that the conflict haunting Turkey could end. On Thursday, Abdullah Öcalan, who founded the PKK in 1978 and is ...
(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra, File) Kurdish women dance during the Newroz celebrations marking the start of spring in Istanbul, Turkey, Sunday, March 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco, File) The ...
If accepted by Turkey, the declaration could bring about the end of a decades-long conflict estimated to have killed at least 40,000 people and rippled across the borders of multiple neighboring ...
Syrian Kurds gathered this week to listen to a message from jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan Outlawed Kurdish group the PKK has declared a ceasefire with Turkey after its jailed leader Abdullah ...
ANKARA, March 1 (Reuters) - Turkey's foreign minister will reiterate at Sunday's meeting of European leaders in London an offer from Ankara to host peace talks between Ukraine and Russia ...
(7News) — As cherry blossom season approaches, Silver Spring is preparing for another enchanting event: Mermaid Season ... don’t even want to get into a tail or swim,” said Morgana Alba ...
MerMagic Con, billed as the largest mermaid convention in the world, will return to downtown Silver Spring this weekend at the Silver Spring Recreation and Aquatic Center. The annual event seeks to ...