Neither Sarah nor Hagar/Ha-jar are mentioned by name in the Qur’an, but the story of Ha-jar’s exile from Abraham’s home is traditionally understood to be referred to in a line from Ibrāhīm’s prayer in ...
As long as it is,Cecil B. DeMille's 'The Ten Commandments' ignores some of the most interesting parts of Moses' journey.
Many people have fearfully contemplated the Biblical visions of the end of the world. However, two Greek words can be ...
A RARE copy of the first complete Bible in Chinese, which had been donated to an Oxfam bookshop, has sold for more than ...
One day in March 2024, after moving in with her parents, she was browsing Amazon Prime Video for a new show to watch and came ...
So the Christian, whether reading the Bible or any other book, needs to know a bit about how literature works, and things ...