This beautiful instrument of musical delight is called the Zenotron, and it was built by [Mike Walters] for his friend [Zeno] in exchange for some keyboards. The Zenotron is the latest musical ...
As long as these didn't change, the same metaphysical conclusions would be reached in an old XD-1 as in a Kaypro 2. This idea—that sentient beings could be constitutionally numb to the texture ...
These machines, from companies like Kaypro and Osborne, were only portable in the sense that their integrated design made it relatively easy to move them. Things we take for granted today ...
A3xx/1, A4xx/1 & R140 models have the same issue which can alternatively ... Also note: You may need to ground pin 4 (place a jumper at J5) for the Gotek to be detected as a High Density drive. Kaypro ...
Portable computing started in 1981, when Adam Osborne introduced his CP/M-based business computer called the Osborne 1. It came bundled with a modified version of the WordStar word processor ...
Word Perfect 4.1 by Satellite Software International (SSI) National Museum of American History Mainframe Computer Component, Magnetic Wire Cartridge for the SEAC Computer National Museum of American ...
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1981 CamelForth beta test version built for Kaypro II BASCOM 5.30a Microsoft MS-COBOL Version 4.65 Digital Research CBASIC Compiler CB-80 Version 2.0 Turbo Modula 2 ALGOL-M COMPILER VERS ...
The personal computer industry began in 1977, when Apple, Radio Shack and Commodore introduced off-the-shelf computers as consumer products. People were very surprised walking by store windows ...
What is type 1 diabetes? In type 1 diabetes, the body can’t make insulin. Insulin is needed to help sugar (glucose) enter cells for energy. Without insulin, glucose builds up in the blood. This causes ...