Mike Huckabee began his confirmation hearings to become Donald Trump’s ambassador to Israel this week. He has a long history ...
The American comics industry was largely started by the children of Jewish immigrants. Like most publishing in the early 20th ...
Ye, f.k.a. Kanye West, tweeted a Ku Klux Klan uniform and asked whether it matched better with Timberland boots or Jordans.
Islam QA says: "Solar and lunar eclipses are two of the signs of Allah with which He scares His slaves and reminds them of ...
See our full guidelines for more information, and this guide for detail about canonical URLs. (Answers at the bottom.) ...
(Hebrew: עיר דוד, Ir David; Arabic: مدينة داوود, Madina Dawud, When God first ordered Prophet Mohammed and the Muslim Umma to offer their daily prayers, they prayed facing Jerusalem.
As the Jewish Prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29 and (Acts 2:16) make clear: “After all of this I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your elderly will ...
Yet the ancient rabbis sensed in Pisces, the icon of two fish that represents the time of the year in which Purim falls, a reflection of the festival’s spiritual messages and of the Jewish ...
Israel introduced a new U.S. ceasefire plan in an effort to force Hamas to accept by imposing a siege on the Gaza Strip. The plan differs from what the two sides agreed to in January with Prime ...
“If the Jewish establishment thinks the best course of action is to push MAGA away by unjustly demonizing them as antisemites, it will only become a self fulfilling prophecy,” he wrote to JTA.
In the Old Testament period, apart from the ordinary people, there were Kings, Priests and Prophets. The offices of Kings, Priests and Prophets were absolutely essential in the lives of the Israelites ...