February is National Haiku Writing Month. The website nahaiwrimo.com urges us to write one haiku a day for the month of February. "Why February? Because it’s the shortest month, for the world’s ...
These poems do not tell a linear story but instead combined a ... This the ideal set by the Basho-School of haiku.
Students will synthesize a chart with the rules of haiku poetry. They will be able to analyze poems using the class-generated chart and determine if they are haiku or not. Students will be able to use ...
Shorter forms of poetry like limericks and haiku are not only fun to write, but they also have a long history. When poets don’t have many words, they have to think carefully about their choice ...
To explore different types of poetry and write your own haiku poem. All poems are made up of words. Poems can tell a story or be about a thought or a feeling. They can be serious or silly ...