A 16-year-old archer sponsored by Wales Archery won three gold medals in her first three competitions of the year.
Summer at the SSEC is on its way! Georgia Southern's Shooting Sports Education Center offers a variety of summer camps ...
“Depending on the contest, I like how we get to shoot at different types of targets, such as 3D, FITA, or field archery. With the 3D targets, there are bears and deer, but there are also dinosaurs and ...
Archery Congress, World Champs The international archery federation, FITA, pulls double duty this weekend in Turin. FITA wraps up its congress Saturday in the 2006 Winter Olympic host city and ...
Archery Federation Criticizes Delhi 2010 Organizers The International Archery Federation, FITA, expressed disappointment with the state of the archery venue for the Commonwealth Games and the ...