Most notably, it would delete part of Florida Statute 961.04 that denies payment to exonerees with more than one nonviolent ...
“Central Park Five” exoneree Raymond Santana called former President Trump’s verdict in his hush-money case “karma.” “For me, it was about karma,” Santana said during his Saturday ...
Charles "C.J." Rice, a Philadelphia exoneree freed this year after his case received national attention, is suing the city and Philadelphia police over his wrongful conviction. The big picture ...
Alfred Brown's attorney argued he can pursue federal civil rights claims against the prosecutor and police who sent him to death row, even if Texas has compensated him for his imprisonment. The Texas ...
Thankfully, State Rep. Traci Koster and State Sen. Jennifer Bradley have introduced bills this session that would make these ...
Anthony described the difficulties of returning home as an exoneree with no support system in place. When parolees leave prison, they are provided with a small amount of money and some social ...
“I am an exoneree.” It was misidentification by an eyewitness that resulted in Benson’s conviction for a 1998 murder. ”We are all here to prevent injustice,” Benson told the Senate ...