Introduction of the variants into healthy cells abolished CCR2 protein expression, and the patients’ own monocytes lacked the receptor. Neehus’s collaborators next set up an in vitro cell migration ...
What are frontonasal dysplasia, craniofrontonasal dysplasia and Tessier clefts? Frontonasal dysplasia is a condition that causes a cleft in a patient’s nose and abnormal widening between the eyes ...
Monocytes play a pivotal role in viral dissemination to organ tissue during primary infection and following reactivation from latency. For example, during primary infection, infected monocytes migrate ...
Monocytes are circulating short-lived macrophage precursors that are recruited on demand from the blood to sites of inflammation and challenge. In steady state, classical monocytes give rise to ...
Macrophages and their monocyte precursors mediate innate immune responses and can promote a spectrum of phenotypes from pro-inflammatory to pro-resolving. Currently, there are few markers that allow ...