By TIM SULLIVAN A crown over a soccer ball. An eyeball that “looked cool.” Flowers. Those are some of the everyday tattoos ...
Immigration officers looked at Jerce Reyes Barrios and saw tattoos with a crown and the word “Dios” — both of which are ...
Family members and advocates have said American officials have relied on tattoos to deport Venezuelan migrants with little ...
In several sworn declarations, attorneys and relatives have pushed back on the Trump administration's deportation of Venezuelan migrants to El Salvador.
A crown over a soccer ball. An eyeball that “looked cool.” Flowers. Those are some of the everyday tattoos that defense lawyers say helped lead to the sudden weekend deportation of roughly 200 ...
Everyday Tattoos Got Venezuelan Men ID'd as Gang Members and Deported, Lawyers Say A crown over a soccer ball. An eyeball that “looked cool.” Flowers. Those are some of the everyday tattoos ...