The Traffic Safety Team works to keep Calgary streets safe. The team is made up of trained peace officers who work with the ...
Trees are an intrinsic part of Calgary's quality of life. They provide a myriad of environmental benefits, contribute to positive mental well-being, and help us connect with our communities. Calgary’s ...
City staff are busy getting the courses ready for the season with turf care and safety checks to ensure great playing conditions. We’ll announce official opening dates soon and will continue to ...
The City of Calgary annually prepares property assessments within Calgary for the purpose of taxation. Through fair and equitable assessments, the resulting property tax supports City services ...
Every year the Mobility Department puts together a status update that includes a series of measures to highlight the performance of our transportation systems and help us improve on service delivery.
Let’s show some love to our local businesses! These awesome spots in Eau Claire are still open during construction, so why ...
The CPS Student Police Academy allows Grade 12 students to spend a day in the life of a Calgary police officer.
Recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination reminds us about the importance of actively dismantling systemic racism, the root causes of racial inequities and ...
Your property tax bill is calculated based on a tax rate established by the budgetary requirements of The City (municipal tax ...
The Food Resilience Strategy shows how The City and its partners can ensure Calgary has a steady food supply. It strives to ...
All 13 City-operated aquatic facilities had proactive electrical reviews and require electrical repairs. These repairs will ...
Some uses of City land are temporary to ensure land is well utilized in the interim period before put to use to support ...