CRISPR libraries enable scientists to systematically investigate gene functions, identify novel drug targets, and develop personalized therapies.
CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing exploits the CRISPR-Cas system to modify a genome in a targeted manner. Guided by RNA, the Cas9 endonuclease breaks DNA at a target sequence. Imprecise repair of the ...
This paper presents the important finding that BNIP3/NIX, a mitophagy receptor, and its binding to ATG18 are required for mitophagy during muscle cell reorganization in Drosophila. Although the ...
Suffering on such an immense scale can appear hopeless. However, a technique called CRISPR gene editing promises to help deal with these issues and many more—and wise regulation can spur it on.
At the heart of this technology is the Cas9 protein, often likened to molecular ... where analytical chemistry and life science collide, CRISPR’s growing influence is unmistakable, taking ...
A proof-of-concept study shows that CRISPR-Cas9 can eliminate extra chromosome copies in Down syndrome cells. The method restores normal gene function but is not yet ready for human trials. Scientists ...
Doctors harvest stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow and then send them off to a lab, where CRISPR is used to turn up the production of another, functional version of haemoglobin.
The decision has ushered in a new era for sickle cell disease treatment — and marked the world’s first approval of a medicine based on CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology. A foundation for the first ...
Beginning with a landmark report in 2008, the lab published a series of studies that ultimately revealed the potential of editing one gene, BCL11A, with CRISPR/Cas9 technology to restore healthy ...
This is the first in a se­ries of sto­ries from End­points News that looks at the fu­ture of CRISPR and its im­pact on pa­tients, sci­ence … ...
Spot­light Ther­a­peu­tics, a start­up with a bold vi­sion for de­liv­er­ing CRISPR ther­a­pies in­to the body with­out the need for vi­ral vec­tors or lipid nanopar­ti­cles, has … ...
The first gene therapy utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 technology has received approval for clinical use, offering a groundbreaking treatment option for patients suffering from ?-thalassemia and sickle cell ...