The Inuit have survived and thrived for generations in one of most remote, vast and rugged places on Earth, hunting for seals ...
For Smarthistory’s video examining some of the motifs in “The Garden of Earthly Delights,” Harris and Zucker dive into some ...
Excluding new art from the most recent SMForward initiative, the airport is already home to more than two dozen public art ...
The viral AI trend of generating Ghibli generative images has sparked outrage all over the internet. This is the man who ...
Zacchaeus was a wealthy, conniving tax collector. When he climbed a tree to see Jesus, Jesus saw him and invited him to come ...
President Donald Trump’s executive order titled “Restoring Truth and Sanity to American History” targets the Smithsonian ...
The seventh day used to be reserved for big walks, roasts and relaxing. But as our culture has moved online and become ...
Michelangelo Buonarroti wasn’t a great painter, per his own admission, especially compared to his contemporaries and students ...
Elaine Pagels remains fascinated by the mysteries of Jesus after decades of study. In her latest book, she revels in the ...
His journey into the realms of art and motivation began in the quiet corners of his introverted childhood, where creativity ...
Louise Coetzer flirted with the enemy to create experimental dance-opera autoplay. But her message is one of resistance ...
Being reconciled to the God of compassion is bound to have a transformative effect on the one who is reconciled, That person ...