Caesarean sections (CS) are on the rise globally and worldwide one in five women deliver by CS. This trend includes increased ...
While we know the well-worn adage that abs are built in the kitchen, if aesthetics are your goal, it’s safe to say that ab exercises deserve as much time and attention as any muscle group in ...
In this research group, the research areas of global surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery meet. The research is to a large extent focused on the development and improvement of surgical health ...
The usual course of the cephalic vein is in the delto-pectoral groove, penetrating the clavi-pectoral fascia to join the axillary vein medial to the pectoralis minor muscle. An occasional variant runs ...
In between each rib is an intercostal space, consisting of muscle and connective tissue ... along the mid-axillary line, just under the inferior rib. With little bleeding, the wound was almost ...