Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World account is separate to any IOP acco ...
Learn why the neutrino detector aims to capture elusive particles, hoping to reveal why the universe is the way it is.
The AMoRE experimental collaboration in South Korea has reported not finding evidence of neutrinoless double beta decay after ...
The standard model of particle physics represents the most comprehensive theory about fundamental or subatomic particles and forces in the universe. The model describes how matter and antimatter ...
An atom is so small that a single drop of water contains more than a billion atoms. Although tiny, atoms are mostly empty space. The simplified model of the atom is that of a cloud of negative ...
Quantum computing promises to enable researchers to understand the basic structures of our world, rapidly develop new life-saving drugs, more accurately model weather patterns, improve logistical ...
Dark matter could be an entire dark sector of the universe, with its own particles and forces H ave you ever stood by the sea ...
Researchers have taken atomic diffraction to a new level, revealing surprising behaviors in high-energy helium and hydrogen ...
In a surprising twist, and on the verge of death, Eve regenerated her body, allowing her to return to the fight and launch a final, devastating attack that scorched much of the villain’s body ...
An electron is a stable and negatively charged subatomic particle that also acts ... demonstrating that cathode rays were negatively charged particles. From this, Thomson made the following ...
J. Thomson’s discovery that atoms were not indivisible, but contained smaller, negatively charged entities called electrons — the first subatomic particles to be identified. Then, in 1911 ...
The isotope lead-208 was predicted to be extremely stable and perfectly spherical because of the “magic” numbers of electrons and protons orbiting its nucleus. When researchers blasted lead ...