Labral tears in the shoulder (glenoid labrum) are more common the ... All the causes in this list typically result in an anterior tear (damage to the cartilage in the front of the hip joint).
the results of CTA performed by a radiologist experienced in this technique have been much more helpful than MRI in defining the status of the biceps-labrum complex and the anterior glenoid labrum.
The SLAP lesion is an acronym which stands for superior labrum anterior to posterior. This is a tear of the glenoid labrum which is a fibrocartilaginous ring which surrounds the socket of the ...
This ring is called the “glenoid labrum.” When athletes or individuals suffer trauma or degenerative changes in the front or anterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint, the labrum can be torn ... Shoulder pain is a common complaint in overhead athletes, and superior labrum anterior posterior (SLAP ... treatment that involves repair of the labrum back to the glenoid. Treatment of ...