Several years ago, a company called Neurosky came out with an interesting chipset meant to be put in an EEG headset ... Gamma, Alpha, and Beta waves in your brain. Of course, the senseable ...
Using advanced electroencephalography (EEG) techniques, the study published in Mindfulness found that meditators demonstrated differences in brain wave ... 8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), beta (12 ...
An EEG has several frequency bands where your brain produces repeating waves. The alpha band (8-15 Hz) occurs when relaxing or with eyes closed, for example. beta waves (16-31 Hz) occur when you ...
While they were listening, the researchers collected recordings using electroencephalography (EEG), a ... more brain waves in the beta frequency band for pianists and in the alpha band for non ...
Patterns of neural activity known as alpha waves, long thought to originate in the thalamus, may actually stem from a different brain region entirely. Amanda was an associate editor at The Scientist, ...