The Fourth International Artefacta Conference will take place at the University of Helsinki, in Helsinki, Finland, on 13-14 February 2025. At the core of the Artefacta Conferences are objects and ...
Biomedicum Imaging Unit (BIU) is a core facility that provides services for your biomedical optical imaging needs ranging from designing the experiment to analysis of the results. We are also part of ...
We study the mechanisms behind human pancreas development and function, and how their disruption can lead to diabetes. Using genome engineered stem cells, we are generating stem cell derived ...
NOLS 2025 är det tredje symposiet som ordnas inom ramen för nätverket Nordisk litteratursociologi. Symposiet samlar nordiska forskare från olika discipliner som arbetar med litteratursociologi i bred ...
This is what it’s all about: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) recruits roughly 200–250 people every year, of whom some 100–150 are trainees and seasonal employees. The share of international ...
Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston pääkirjasto sijaitsee Kaisa-talossa kaupungin keskustassa, Kaisaniemessä. Kirjaston asiakaspalvelualueella ja suuressa kokoushuoneessa (7062) on induktiosilmukka.
The Main Library of the Helsinki University Library is located in the heart of the city, in Kaisa House, Kaisaniemi. The customer service area and the large meeting room (7062) have an induction loop.
Torstaina 19.9. luonnon tuntijat vastaavat yleisön kysymyksiin Viikin Infokeskuksessa. Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan ja osallistumaan! Viikin kirjasto, Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo ja Helsingin ...
The Nordic Association for Art Historians NORDIK came into being as an organizer of international conferences that since 1984 have brought together individual scholars and organizations with an ...
HiLIFEn tutkijat tavoittelevat läpimurtoja esimerkiksi syövän ja masennuksen hoidossa. Myös yritykset voivat hyötyä instituutin tasokkaista infrastruktuureista. Artikkeli Anna Humalamäki, Kuva: Helena ...
We’re excited to connect with you at the Helsinki Education Hub! Whether you’re curious about our innovative programs, eager to explore partnerships, or interested in attending our events, our team is ...
Explore the University of Helsinki’s bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes and open university courses. Find your favourite and apply, or register during the relevant application period. This ...