Die Münchner Kinderärztin Erika von Mutius gehört zu den führenden Experten für Asthma und Allergien – und fand heraus, dass ...
Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, müssen alle Hebel in Bewegung gesetzt werden. Da macht auch die Luftfahrt keine Ausnahme. Wie ...
Deepfakes are images, videos, texts, or audio files that look deceptively real, but are in reality fake. They may already threaten our democracy in the near future. Our goal: to make sure people can ...
Berlin, 18.09.2024 Die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft und der Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft zeichnen den Biochemiker ...
Presentation of the Helmholtz High Impact Award (from left to right): Ferdi Schüth (Jury chairman), Otmar D. Wiestler (Helmholtz Association) and Volker Meyer-Guckel (Stifterverband) with the award ...
Stefanie Speidel, Leiterin Department Translationale chirurgische Onkologie / Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT/UCC) Dresden ...
The Helmholtz Annual Meeting 2024 will take place on Tuesday, 17 September 2024.
What does an artificial intelligence (AI) model look like that can answer a wide variety of medical questions using ...
Through their scientific work, Helmholtz doctoral students contribute to solving the most pressing problems facing our society. The Helmholtz Association wants to inspire talented young researchers at ...