Seven citizens, whom the US planned to deport to Costa Rica, were flown from New York to Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry said. Seven citizens of Uzbekistan, whom the United States initially ...
Additionally, the law “On guarantees of children’s rights” was amended to affirm that parents and guardians have the right to provide religious and moral upbringing to their children in accordance ...
Chairperson of the State Security Service Bakhodir Kurbanov was elected president of the Uzbekistan Football Association, becoming the organization’s eighth leader since 1992. Chairperson of the State ...
Uzbekistan’s foreign minister Bakhtiyor Saidov and US secretary of state Marco Rubio discussed bilateral cooperation, focusing on business partnerships and trade expansion. Marco Rubio thanked ...
Acting deputy prime minister of Afghanistan Mullah Baradar visited Uzbekistan and met with prime minister Abdulla Aripov. They agreed on tariff cuts for 10 goods, Uzbek investments in gas extraction ...
Зимняя школа, организованная Ташкентским университетом прикладных наук и компанией Ergo Analytics, прошла в Ташкенте 28 ...
Toshkentda ko‘chalar o‘rtasiga yana to‘siqlar o‘rnatilyapti. Ular bir vaqtning o‘zida viloyatlarda ham paydo bo‘ldi. YHXB ...
Zelenskiy va Tramp o‘rtasida Oq uyda o‘tgan munozarali uchrashuvdan so‘ng dunyoning ko‘plab mamlakatlari yetakchilari Ukraina ...
Узбекистан провалил цель сократить ДТП вдвое к 2025 году. На дорогах каждый день в среднем погибает 6 человек и травмы ...
Квадратики с зеленью в духовке, «кук самса», катлама с луком и другие рецепты выпечки с зеленью — в подборке
Malayziyada velotrek bo‘yicha yoshlar va kattalar o‘rtasidagi Osiyo chempionatida o‘zbekistonlik sportchilar 8 medalni (3 ta ...
Ichki ishlar vazirligi ID kartalar, xorijga chiqish pasportlari va istalgan raqamlar kombinatsiyasiga ega haydovchilik ...