Massimo Pigliucci takes the philosophy pill. Is there a cure for life? This question may seem rather bizarre, as we don’t normally think of life as a disease. And yet, a moment’s reflection reminds us ...
Mohsen Moghri gives a Godless but principled response to the problem of evil. We are all familiar with the problem of evil for traditional theism: a perfectly benevolent God would evidently desire the ...
Dr. Gindi, sculptor, has a philosophical conversation with Richard Baron about sensation, life, infinity and, you guessed it, sculpture. Dr. Gindi is one of Switzerland’s foremost sculptors, whose ...
A few weeks ago I bought two chrysanthemums for my windowsill. After giving them the dose of water they clearly missed in the shop, I started musing on how closely plant care and philosophy are ...
Alan Haworth on Karl Popper, his vision of a pragmatic, liberal society, and his assessment of its philosophical enemies. It is now one hundred years since the birth of Karl Popper, and almost sixty ...
Stephen Leach considers what Bertrand Russell thought about common sense & reality – and how the one does not necessarily show you the other. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) believed that reality is ...
Our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci takes a dose of it. I’m a scientist by original training, so I tend not to believe in anything that isn’t made of either matter or energy ...
Steve Stewart-Williams on the implications of evolutionary theory for ethics. “Morality is a collective illusion of the genes. We need to believe in morality, and so, thanks to our biology, we do ...
William Rowe is a professor of philosophy at Purdue University. Though an atheist, he spends much of his working life thinking about God. Nick Trakakis recently chatted with him about God and evil and ...
An introduction by Tim Madigan. “It is worth noting that Wittgenstein once said that a serious and good philosophical work could be written that would consist entirely of jokes (without being ...
Nicholas Maxwell points out where the Enlightenment went wrong. The crisis of our times is that we have science without wisdom. This is the crisis behind all the others. Population growth; the ...
Raymond Tallis on the true mystery of memory. Regular readers of this column will know that despite my background in neuroscience, I am not persuaded that brain activity is a sufficient explanation of ...