Three of the viruses — flu, COVID-19 and RSV — are respiratory viruses and spread from person to person through germ-filled ...
Bagdasarian also recommends ensuring kids take in a lot of fluids and said over the counter medicines like Tylenol and ...
Most people will recover from viruses like the flu, COVID, and RSV without medical care, but some patients might need a trip ...
The vaccine, manufactured by US pharmaceutical giant Moderna, was found to slash the risk of severe illness from respiratory ...
Spring is just around the corner, but this year's flu season is still clinging on and causing misery for millions of people ...
According to national data, just 44% of US residents got flu vaccines this flu season, compared with 30% in Wisconsin.
Erie County reported 1,087 flu cases for the week ending Feb. 14, the most since flu became a reportable disease in 2003.
EXCLUSIVE: Brits up and down the nation have been coughing and spluttering their way through persistent doses that seem to ...
The latest data released Friday from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services indicates four more people ...
So far this season, a total of 7,584 flu cases have been reported in Alberta, including 671 in the Central Zone.
Influenza cases reached their highest activity levels in the last 15 years this month, and Texas emergency department visits ...
The uptick of influenza has filled the region's hospitals with patients and contributed to high death counts this month.