Seek to clarify that certain hearing implants are prosthetics and therefore not subject to the hearing aid coverage exclusion, allowing for ...
A cochlear implant works as a prosthetic for the damaged portions of the inner ear. The implant consists of two parts: an outer section with a microphone and processor, and an internal element ...
In its place, surgeon Bhavesh Patel inserted a small prosthesis which meant the small bones in the ear could vibrate again and transmit sound to the inner ear. Ms Willmont was only under a local ...
Jonathon Whitton, AuD, PhD, VP, auditory global program head, Regeneron, discusses the promising results of DB-OTO in the CHORD trial for children with otoferlin-related hearing loss.
Seek to clarify that certain hearing implants are prosthetics and therefore not subject ... patent is Implantable Cochlear System with Inner Ear Sensor. This patent relates to ...
Next step: More light receptors and a softer surface to make the implant more comfortable ... Many amputees worldwide don’t have access to prosthetic limbs. Mobile phones and 3D printing ...
Liz Valentine is a cancer survivor. She is fortunate to have come out the other side of a diagnosis, but the luck ledger is ...