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That second package could potentially deal with Medicaid, but Republicans have acknowledged that overhauling the politically popular program would be an uphill battle. “Entitlements are ...
A new study has found that extending state Medicaid coverage did not increase the likelihood of prescription opioid or benzodiazepine misuse among people who use drugs. People who inject drugs and ...
But even by his own standards, the president’s flip-flop last week on Medicaid cuts was executed with dizzying speed. That pirouette should worry not only the millions of Americans on Medicaid ...
In nursing homes across Florida, elderly residents have much to lose from the spending cuts proposed in Washington, D.C. Medicaid is the primary payer for nursing-home care in Florida — and the ...
Democrats and Republicans are accusing one another of “lying” about what a House Republican budget resolution means for Medicaid, and both sides have made misleading or speculative comments.
In Washington's debate over enacting steep funding cuts to Medicaid, words are a central battleground. Many Republican lawmakers and conservative policy officials who want to scale back the joint ...
As Republicans unveil proposed cuts to government programs, they should take this opportunity to reform a program that is the fourth-largest driver of spending: Medicaid. Congress should refocus ...
Congress is setting the stage to decimate Medicaid. The House of Representatives put forward a budget resolution that will lead to more than $880 billion in cuts from Medicaid. If approved, these cuts ...
While the Senate must sign off on the House's resolution before Congress adopts the legislation, the budget resolution starts a process that could result in significant changes to Medicaid ...
Republican leaders pushed back in a deeply misleading way. “It doesn’t even mention Medicaid in the bill,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said of his party’s budget. “The word ‘Medicaid ...
Republicans have proposed lowering the federal share of costs for Medicaid expansions, which could reshape the program by gutting one of the Affordable Care Act’s major provisions. By Noah ...