A new documentary titled "928, The Threat Continues" shines a light on the enduring health implications faced by Utah residents and communities across the West due to atomic bomb tests.
Five years after her death, Utah influencer Kim White's story of her six-year battle with cancer is being retold in a ...
Made in America" has made a nine-hour documentary about the life and achievements of Prince. However, it may never end up ...
Minted dives deep into the NFT market craze, from its meteoric rise to its dramatic crash and potential resurgence. While the film does show that the majority of NFTs have lost much of their financial ...
Common Sense Media breaks down the top-rated films of the year for young kids, tweens and teens.
Palestinian director Rashid Masharawi to discuss the power and difficulty of filmmaking in Gaza over the last 15 months of ...
This film by Sally Aitken follows a hummingbird rescue center and the woman who tends to its denizens with immense care.
New York City psychics welcome in a documentary crew in "Look Into My Eyes." Credit: A24 Even if you see spirit-channeling ...
The late presenter's mother, Christine Flack, attempts to uncover the truth about the circumstances that led to her ...
Local filmmakers release documentary that includes interviews city officials and residents affected by violence. “We can’t ...
The new feature documentary will see Flack's mother Christine search for answers that led to her daughter taking her own life ...