The male wood duck is one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. We’re lucky we can see them almost any day of the week, any ...
The wood duck is one of seven species of North American ducks that regularly nest in natural cavities. The others are the hooded and common mergansers, common and Barrow’s goldeneyes ...
Time is ticking to register, but there’s a nesting season outdoor volunteer opportunity for community members. Gray Lodge ...
As ducks migrate back to the Northwoods, they’ll be looking for places to nest.Wood duck boxes are a good way for people to ...
The man in dark sunglasses and suit didn’t seem to notice. Neither did the woman tapping frantically at her phone or the kids whizzing by on scooters. The delivery driver rumbled past and the ...
The Historic Dreibelbis Farm near Virginville is hosting a wintertime nature walk into the farm’s fields and nature trail on March 2 at 2 p.m. The focus will be on wood duck habitat and all that ...
Winter Nature Walk, Dreibelbis Historic Farm, 356 Hard Hill Road, Richmond Township, 2 p.m., featuring maintenance of wood duck nesting boxes along the Maiden Creek. Learn about waterfowl ...
The focus will be on wood duck habitat and all that’s involved in maintenance of wood duck nesting boxes. A hike along the Maiden Creek replacing nesting material will be featured.