CCD cameras usually have larger pixels than CMOS cameras. The benefit of larger pixels is more surface area to gather photons ...
By using Western blot analysis, we found that XAP5 was ubiquitously expressed in all tissues examined, whereas XAP5L expression was restricted to the testes (Figure 1A). Interestingly, previous ...
Students who were thoroughly prepared with the textbook content were well-equipped to tackle the paper.” A good balance of diagrams and numericals was maintained, academic coordinator added that the ...
An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Impact Link Some of the Western companies that left Russia over its war in Ukraine may be tempted to head back when the war ends — but Moscow wants them ...
Western blotting allows scientists to identify specific proteins in complex biological samples and determine relative abundance of a protein target. Rebecca Roberts is a science writer and ...
northern blotting, and western blotting and are used by research and academic institutions, and diagnostics, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies. Products that are based on southern ...