Imagine a world where bacteria, typically feared for causing disease, are turned into powerful weapons against cancer. That's ...
The following is a summary of “Frequency of haematogenous periprosthetic joint infection due to bacteraemia caused by ...
Imagine a world where bacteria, typically feared for causing disease, are turned into powerful weapons against cancer. That's ...
according to the Water Research Centre. Coliforms and faecal streptococci are two bacteria groups used as indicators of possible sewage contamination. While they are not harmful, they're ...
The commensal bacteria or microbiota on our skin is thought to contribute to host health, protecting the host against a range of infections, including wound healing and anti-cancer properties. In this ...
Mumbai: A 71-year-old woman from Baramati, who previously underwent two open-heart surgeries and weighed only 33kg, received life-saving treatment at KEM Hospital, Parel. On Wednesday, cardiologists ...
The global agar market is poised for substantial expansion between 2023 and 2033. According to a report by Future Market ...
Am J Med Genet 1999:20;88437-45. 47. Taranta A, Stollerman GH. Relationship of Sydenham's chorea to infection with Group A streptococci. Am J Med 1956;20:170-5. 48. Husby G, Van de Rijn I, Zabriskie ...
Avenacy, a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on supplying critical injectable medications, today announced it has ...
Jangan asal memilih obat sakit gigi untuk ibu hamil. Sebab, obat tersebut dapat saja memengaruhi kesehatan janin.