China is flexing its military muscle in the region to show that it will not wait for the Trump administration to decide how ...
Despite rising maritime tensions with China, the Philippines is keeping the door open for possible joint oil and gas ...
In a bid to exert its influence in its maritime neighbourhood, at least 221 naval deployments reached the ports of 18 ...
China’s assertion of power in the South China Sea has been a gradual yet systematic process. From building military outposts on artificial islands to deploying its vast maritime militia, Beijing has ...
A spate of drills by China’s military in the Indo-Pacific is testing the Trump administration’s commitment to regional ...
Sinocyclocheilus xingrenensis, or the Xingren golden-lined fish, has a “golden yellow” body with “slightly translucent white” ...
Vietnam will support the repatriation of illegal immigrants in the United States to avoid tariffs. UN Secretary-General to Muslims for Ramadan: 'Let’s build a fairer and mo ...
Many Chinese civil society organizations became reliant on now-frozen U.S. government aid after funding from private U.S.
They were one of 12 teams to make today's finals in New Plymouth. They will get to enjoy bragging rights for the next two years until the next competition. Maori Development Minister Tama Potaka says ...
Pharmac Chair Paula Bennett is hoping the change in leadership will lead to a transformation in operations. But Blogger Ian Powell says the Government must first change its attitude and invest in ...
Whatever happens in the near term, it is obvious that there is a serious arms race occurring for dominance in the South China Sea.