The attention span is short and the topics aplenty, from NCAA Tournament brackets to Tiger Woods to SpaceX to Aaron Rodgers to ... Evel Knievel?
The new flag features a fresh, forward-looking interpretation of the iconic fleur-de-lis, a symbol that has long been ...
Scientists uncover new gut microbes in Africa and say their findings could help make medicines more effective.
To the best of my woefully scientifically underequipped knowledge, Microsoft's new quantum chip supposedly uses Majorana ...
February is National Haiku Writing Month. The website urges us to write one haiku a day for the month of February. "Why February? Because it’s the shortest month, for the world’s ...
From a study published in 1986 by self-described Marxists in the Journal of Health Services ... Few people care much about what belongs to everyone. It’s just human nature. Capitalism isn’t perfect, ...
Born Again episode 2 suggests the series will directly explore law enforcement's infatuation with the Punisher logo.
Investing in Greenland is not for the faint of heart,” said Brian Hanrahan, chief executive officer of Lumina Sustainable Materials, which operates the anorthosite mine on th ...
MCU fans should pay close attention to these Frank Castle comics ahead of the upcoming Punisher Special Presentation.
The “Meat Me” sign on the blue wall isn’t just cute wordplay – it’s practically a command from the barbecue heavens. Founded by Eric Tanori and his family, this establishment has quickly established ...
The gray-hued floor actually debuted during last week's women's Big 12 Tournament, featuring black baselines and sidelines and the Big 12 logo splashed across center ... It's extremely important for ...
In a new study, an international team of neuroscientists led by the University of Vienna has shown that experiencing nature can alleviate acute physical pain.