Apakah si kecil sering ingusan? Waspada, bisa jadi gejala polip hidung pada anak. Ketahui berbagai komplikasi dan penanganannya.
Additionally, sinus infections are more likely to occur in people who have a deviated septum, nasal polyps, or a weakened immune system ... throat using a tool called an endoscope. Sometimes a CT scan ...
Nasal polyp and congestion scores fell ... P < .001). Mean sinus CT Lund-Mackay scores included 18.9 for the treatment group and 18.5 for the placebo group at baseline, falling to 12.47 for ...
Patients are exposed to 2% of the radiation of a normal CT scan TUESDAY, March 18, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Low-dose CT chest scans could help detect pneumonia in at-risk patients while exposing ...
AstraZeneca has failed in its bid to get US approval for its IL-5 inhibitor Fasenra as a treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis in people with nasal polyps, after the FDA rejected its marketing ...
Despite technological advances in medical imaging, studies show that up to 30% of bone metastases are not detected on CT scans 1, making bone one of the most frequent sites of diagnostic errors in ...
Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau said on Friday the government is reviewing fees and charges for public hospital services, including charging for such services as CT scans and MRIs to prevent abuse.
On why sleep should be a priority and not a luxury, kidney problems affecting young Indians, the many complexities of the human memory and more You are going to have to wake up wide for this week ...