Baby whale caught in net off Oahu’s north shore,” reads the caption on this disturbing video of a whale breaching and rolling ...
Given pregnancy rates as high as 33-50 per cent for the species, it is a mystery that the rate of sightings of blue whale mother-calf pairs is on average an abysmal 3.1 per cent. Researchers ...
Welcome to the world baby Simone, you are a blessing beyond belief," Amy wrote, alongside several pictures of the new addition. By her side was the new mother, beaming as Amy held her baby ...
A peachy-colored baby ... mother, McClatchy News reported. Video shows the calf swimming closely with the other orcas. At one point, J-62 is seen rolling and splashing in the water over another whale.
Alternatively, you can pay €0.50 per article, capped at €1 per day. Survivors of mother and baby homes, Magdalene Laundries and workhouses have been urged to speak to police. Detectives are ...