As the story goes, Diane Keaton introduced the cake to Katie Holmes during the filming of “Mad Money” in 2008. Holmes was married to Cruise at the time. “So when Tom and Katie had a big ...
As the story goes, Diane Keaton introduced the cake to Katie Holmes during the filming of “Mad Money” in 2008. Holmes was married to Cruise at the time. “So when Tom and Katie had a big ...
Its path to stardom is as follows: Diane Keaton tried the cake and fell in love. In 2008, she co-starred in the film Mad Money with Cruise’s then-wife, Katie Holmes. Both women claimed to know ...
Its path to stardom is as follows: Diane Keaton tried the cake and fell in love. In 2008, she co-starred in the film Mad Money with Cruise’s then-wife, Katie Holmes. Both women claimed to know the ...
If you’ve never seen Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn ... “At that moment, a drop of insanity could cause one to go completely mad. If I could drive Sasaki mad as well, then life would’ve been ...