Apesar do grande simbolismo no mundo do basquete, Michael Jordan não é o jogador representado na logo da NBA. Reconhecível por qualquer pessoa que o veja, a "cara" possuí algumas ...
No entanto, o que mais chamou a atenção foi a mudança do logo da empresa. A polêmica surgiu porque o símbolo é parecido com o escudo de uma pequena cidade da Ilha de Maiorca, na Espanha.
Los Angeles County’s top prosecutor said Monday that he had withdrawn a recommendation to reduce the prison terms of Erik and Lyle Menendez, who are serving sentences of life without parole for ...
Hyderabad: The government’s announcement of 2.5 per cent DA to TGSRTC employees, notwithstanding, the seven unions are set to go ahead with their strike in keeping with the notice they had ...
“We conclude in our informal response that the court should deny the current habeas corpus petition,” the DA said Friday. “We do not believe they qualify to get a new trial,” he went on to ...
Los Angeles County’s top prosecutor said he had withdrawn a recommendation Monday that aimed to reduce the prison terms of Erik and Lyle Menendez, who are serving sentences of life without the ...
Ahead of its tabling on March 14, the Tamil Nadu government has replaced the Indian rupee symbol '₹' with the Tamil letter 'ரூ' (pronounced as Ru) in the official logo of its 2025-26 state ...
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Agriculture (DA) has temporarily banned importing poultry from Indiana, New York, and Pennsylvania in the United States to prevent the spread of bird flu ...
Enquanto ministro da Saúde, Padilha esteve à frente da criação do Mais Médicos, uma das marcas do primeiro mandato de Dilma. Formado em Medicina e doutor em Saúde Coletiva, Alexandre Padilha ...
Shawn Dick, the Williamson County DA, told the Austin American-Statesman that his office will not accept the case following interviews with multiple witnesses to the alleged incident. " ...
Integrantes da equipe de "Ainda Estou Aqui" que acompanhavam ... Claudia Kopke, ao blog, logo após a cerimônia. “A gente pensar naquele trabalho todo que a gente teve, que não é fácil ...
The Department of Agriculture (DA) is looking into implementing a “Pork-For-All” program in Kadiwa outlets and some markets. In Darlene Cay’s Monday report on “24 Oras,” the DA will directly buy pork ...